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Soal dan Kunci Jawab Siap UKK/ UAS Semester 2 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

Soal dan Kunci Jawab Siap UKK/ UAS Semester 2 Mapel Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Tahun 2017 pdf docx

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Di bawah ini akan kami tampilkan contoh soal dan kunci jawaban mapel Bahasa Inggris ini sebagai gambaran sekilas dari isi file yang kami share di atas.

I. Pilihlah huruf A, B, C atau D  sebagai jawaban yang benar!

1. Mother : Do you mind opening the window, please ?
Dona : I am sorry..........
A. why not C. I can’t
B. I do it D. With a pleasure
2.   Danar : ………………….
Febby : Thank you, but I can do by myself
A. Let me help you bring the books C. Let you help bring the book
B. Do you help me bring the book D. Do you like the books
3. Audy : I am thirsty, ……………….., please ?
Nilam : Sure. Here you are
A. Can you give me a drink C. Will you have to drink
B. Do you like to drink D. Do you want to drink
4. Ferdy : ...................................... ?
Tina : I’m sorry. I’m still using it.
A. Can I help you? C. Do you need my help?
B. where is my pencil sharperner? D. May I borrow your pencil sharperner?
5. Kelvin invites Andre to go to swimming pool, but Andre dislikes swimming.
Kelvin : Are you free today Andre ?
Andre : Why ?
Kelvin : Let’s go to swimming pool, do you like swimming ?
Andre : ………….
A. Yes, I do C. Yes, I have
B. No, I don’t D. No, I haven’t
6. Frans : “.............................. to the airport!”
Keke : “Just the taxi. It is the easiest way.”
A. Could you tell me how to get C. You wouldn’t tell me the way
B. I will tell you how to get D. Would you describe a taxi
7. Lana : What do you think of our new English teacher?
Leni : ..............................
A. We have a new English teacher C. What’s her name
B. She is very patient D. You lie
8. Angel : What do you think of this book ?
Joya : ………………………
A. I have borrowed it from Meli C. It’s very expensive
B. I don’t think so D. It is the recreational area
9. Rasya : What do you want to drink ?
Lulu : Just a glass of water. Thanks.
The underlined utterance expresses …………..
A. asking for information C. offering something
B. inviting someone D. commanding someone
10. Guest : Can I have a blanket ?
Receptionist : …………… Here you are
A. Sorry, I have you are C. It is not for you
B. I am sorry D. Certainly
11. Hendy : Everything is expensive now
Yendi : I …….. with you. Even for a bus, plane, and ship ticket
A. agree C. Disagree
B. come D. go
12. Luna : “Next  week is our mother’s birthday.”
Shita : “.....................................................?”
Luna : I agree with you.
A. When was she born? C. How about giving her a present?
B. How old is she? D. How is your mother?
13. Veni : How do you like your uniform, Miko ?
Miko : Wonderful ! …………..
A. I really like it C. I was certain
B. I was sorry about it D. I don’t like it
14. Apri : How about writing a poem ?
Dodi : ……………. It is my hobby
A. Sorry C. I extremely agree
B. I don’t like it D. I like it
15. Ari : ……………
Ara : Do they ?
A. They will play tennis at the court C. They play tennis at the court
B. They will not play tennis at the court D. They don’t play tennis at the court
16. Boni : Fury is facing the final exam
Bona : …………..
A. Does she ? C. Is he ?
B. Will she ? D. Is she ?
17. Danang : What happened the next ?
Vanesa : …………. We ate and drank together while we were hearing the music
A. First C. At last
B. After that D. Finally
18. Mrs. Ine : Well, I think it is enough ………..
Nino : See you
A. Hi C. See you
B. Hello D. Tomorrow

For questions 19 and 20  complete the following dialogue with suitable word!
Ratna : ……………. (19), Who’s speaking please ?
Rani : Hello, I am Rani. Can I speak to Dewi ?
Ratna : Sorry, Rani. Dewi is not at home. Is there any message ?
Rani : Well, tell her that I phone her and I wait for her at my house this evening
Ratna : OK. I will tell your message
Rani : Thank you, Ratna, ………… (20)
Ratna : See you
19. A. Good morning B. Hello C. Bye D. See you
20. A. See You B. Nice to meet you C. Good bye D. Hello


1. C
2. A
3. A
4. D
5. B
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. C
10. D
11. A
12. C
13. A
14. D
15. D
16. B
17. D
18. C
19. B
20. A

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Soal dan Kunci Jawab Siap UKK/ UAS Semester 2 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

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